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Justice or Else


Yesterday, 10-10-15 marked the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March in Washington D.C.

The Million Man March was started on October 16th, 1995. when a group of African-American men took a pledge to be responsible husbands, fathers, and members of the community at large.

On our way to the march our father informed us that he attended the first march on October 16, 1995. Something told us that our experience might be a bit different from our fathers encounter.  It was good to hear stories of his experience as an Nigerian man living in the United States, raising his children in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area in the mid 90′s.

So we left  home with bags filled with curiosity and anxiousness.  Living in the metropolitan area allows history to always be very accessible to us. We are very grateful for that privilege. As we caught the train and headed into DC we noticed a large majority of people were headed towards the nation’s capital.  It felt as if were all going in the same direction.


When we got off the train and walked towards the National Mall we began to see lots of people with Justice or Else shirts, black and white T-shirts embedded words and phrases like

  • My black is beautiful
  • Black and proud
  • AmeriaKKKa
  • Legalize Black
  • Black by Popular demand
  • Stay Woke
  • Never Apologize for being Black
  • The never-ending list of blacks killed due to injustice

There were plenty of Greek organizations from the Divine 9. Of course the lovely ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority incorporated were there representing with the Ice cold brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. Everyone had something to say and this was the perfect opportunity and platform to be heard.


As we were walking, the closer we got to our destination, we were greeted by several men of the Nation of Islam dressed in nice suits with silk bow ties. The women of the fruit stood nearby and helped to guide people through the crowd and restore peace and order. Some also asked for donations.


Thousands and thousands of people gradually became a sea of black, dripping in Red, Black and Green, overlooking the National Mall.

Red Black Green flags swayed in the sky and black families peacefully protested. People chanted justice or else as they thrust-ed their clinched fists up in the air.

The weather was perfect; the sun was shining down on its children. A cool breeze brushed across our skin as you walked deeper and deeper into the belly of hope, even the little ones knew why they were there.

As we stood among the crowd , there was a strong feeling of unity in the air.  Everyone came from all over the United States  for the same reasons, hope and the possibility of change.


No matter what God you believe in, the closer and closer you walked into the National Mall ; you got a certain sense that a greater being was among us.

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People from all over the United States came marching, ready to fight for their beliefs . We met Carli from Minnesota & Wu from Texas.

Europeans, Latinos and  Black folk and foreigners were all in attendance.

If you wanted change and were tired of injustice in America, you were there at the Million Man March. Strangers welcomed one another as brothers and sisters.


We were able to witness the great Louis Farrakhan speak to everyone.

His speech literally left my sister and I speechless. The man literally spoke for over 2 1/12 hours and had everyone holding on to every last word. Even if you weren’t Muslim, you could connect with some part of his message.

The honorable Louis Farrakhan has the power to lead a nation of lost people looking to reclaim independence. We found ourselves clapping after every sentence Lol BUT then we woke up and realized that majority of what he was saying was a bunch of contradictions at times. It  slowly began to feel like he was dividing us rather than bringing us together.

Religion should not of been the platform the Million Man March was presented on. The march should of been focused on police brutality and the many black lives that were lost since the last March in 1995. Ultimately, he did not  address the necessary steps we should take next to bring about change besides ideological rhetoric that could leave an uneducated  man brainwashed and confused.

He addressed gender roles in regards to women needing to be in the kitchen, and  slightly disregarded elements of the Christianity by saying that pastors sleep with women in the church but at least Muslim men married all of their women. Then he proceeded to go on a rant praising Elijah Muhammad and all of his wives and children. But we tried to look past that and focused on the greater meaning of his speech which was



He encouraged each and every one of us to take back our names and our heritage. Even though my sister and I are Nigerian-American, we could still relate to  constantly feeling like you had to distinguish where you are from and how that only leads to more division as a people. Most black Americans when asked where they are from , they are so proud and quick to say  they are from Atlanta or Alabama as if that benefits the black race here in America.

He told our people to take back our names and stop answering to the name of our former slave owners. If not, we will always be seen as property in America. He also preached about how white America has stamped us with their names in order to be able to recognize blacks with names like  Larry Wilson.
He goes on to say that our first act of freedom is to take back our names. For example, he encouraged everyone to take an African name or Islamic name. We  wanted us all to stand up today like free men and take back our names.
At the end of the march , Louis Farrakhan told each of us to give each other hugs and embrace one  another as brothers and sisters. As we began to hug strangers we could feel the love among one another, with a clear understanding that we all wanted the same thing: FREEDOM.
We left with a feeling of peace and a new found respect for the National of Islam. So thankful that we were able to experience the honorable Louis Farrakhan and  the Million Man March.
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